Mars Pathfinder showing Mars Landscape Panoramic View

About Me

Me and the Purpose:

My name is Alexander Neyman. I created this website to serve as Version 4 for a class project in CIS155 at Olympic College. Version 4 was completed and uploaded to GitHub on 12MAR2019.

For Version 4, I expanded on specific points of the website in order to incorporate techniques learned at the end of the quarter. This website captures my interest in Mars, space travel, and technology that we have deployed in our quest to learn more about Mars, in order to develop and test ourselves so that we can travel there in the future.

For this Version:

  1. I revised paragraphs and updated the "About Me" page,
  2. Added a Probe to the “Mars Probes” page,
  3. Added a video media page for the Mars Probe (linked on the Mars Probes page),
  4. Used transition effect on the link for the video media page,
  5. Updated the CSS style sheet to reflect the new pages,
  6. Uploaded the final state of Version 4 to GitHub.

For Version 3:

  1. I revised paragraphs and updated the "About Me" page,
  2. Changed index.html from a grid format to a flexbox,
  3. Moved Reset Styles into my main style sheet (styles.css),
  4. Added a media query section to styles.css for smaller display devices to make content flow better and to create a drop-down menu so that scalability worked better,
  5. Added the Viking 1 and 2 Landers to the Landers page, added another page based on the Landers (via Links),
  6. Added a table to display table format information to the new VikingPage.html,
  7. Moved the Links to the Link Page, added Mars History page (with no content), removed content from Probes page (since it doesn't match what the desired end product would be,
  8. Worked on improving the overall format for all pages.

For Version 2:

  1. I revised my paragraphs and updated the "About Me" page,
  2. Used grid format to try and get my Main Page content to line up the way I had envisioned,
  3. Created a Reset Style Sheet in CSS3 to apply to the website prior to using my main style sheet (styles.css),
  4. Added some nice touches to my navigation bar, while also making it flow horizontally,
  5. Applied other techniques learned, such as clearing a float, using absolute and relative positioning to locate items within the page, backgrounds, and more,
  6. Added things that were missing from Version 1 (or were not marked), such as pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, the use of an entity, as well as improving the overall product.

For Version 1:

  1. Created the main webpage "Mars Adventures" with content.
    • Added Picture Content (Main Banner Page and two interesting pics).
    • Added Textual Content (to generally explain about Mars and introduce a segway for site content).
    • Added Navigation (to be used for travel between pages).
  2. Created the "About Me" page.
    • Added Picture Content (Main Banner Page).
    • Added Textual Content (to provide a very general synopsis for V1).
    • Added Navigation (to be used for travel between pages).
    • Added Links (for the primary external sites that provide content for this website).
  3. Created a Style Sheet in CSS3 to apply to the website.
    • Added styles to frame current web content to the best of my capabilities.
    • Added font styles to promote readability.
    • Used classes and ids to target specific regions within the webpage.
  4. Learned about the limited capabilities I currently have to properly place and size pictures in the webpage.