Mars Pathfinder showing Mars Landscape Panoramic View

Mars Probes

Mars from Space

Mars Probes/Orbiters/Sattelites are integral components in our mission to learn more about Mars. Some have even transported the Landers found on our Mars Landers page. The following are Probes that have provided us a glimpse of the Red Ball known as Mars.

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)

Artist Rendition of MRO in orbit around Mars

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter was launched in August of 2005 in order to conduct reconnaissance and exploration of Mars. It employed cameras, spectrometers, and radar to analyze landforms, stratigraphy, minerals, and the ice on Mars. The camera that is used to provide the stunning pictures of Mars is called the HiRISE camera, or High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera. This camera uses a telescope to attain its close-up high resolution shots of the surface. It even takes pictures in three different color bands, to provide contrasting colors at which different details can emerge.

Click for MRO Videos